Thursday, March 02, 2006

Pelsall Councillors Forum 1st March

The three Pelsall Councillors arranged a forum at 1st Pelsall Scout Headquarters so that the Pelsall Residents could come along and discuss any issues that concerned them. Items discussed included the setting of the budget, council tax, WHG in comparison to the council as a social landlord, NHS funding, where is the money being spent, Recycling including use of Green Bins and questions about the future recycling of plastics, delays in processing housing and council tax benefit claims,
recycling of paper in flats.
Garry announced that we will be having 8 dedicated policemen for Pelsall and Rushall plus one seargant. They will be targetting trouble spots and antisocial behaviour.

We discussed parking in the village and St Michael's School survey was being considered amongst other ideas .

It was requested that the hedge at the end of commonside be cut back to improve vision for drivers approaching Allens Lane.

This was a very useful discussion and all the ladies that attended were able to ask questions and air their views.


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